You know you’re pregnant when…

You know you’re pregnant when…

…some of my lovely “symptoms” so far

  1. your nose gets so stuffed that it is impossible to get enough air using your nose alone so you end up sleeping with your mouth open and snoring so loud your husband leaves to sleep on the couch
  2. you walk into a room and everyone stares at you like you forgot to put clothes on.
  3. some days the slightest comment can leave you not just in tears but sobbing
  4. you put yourself on bedrest because of the horror stories you google about babies coming premature.
  5. you are out of breath just from thinking about getting enough oxygen.  On work phone calls people assume you just ran the length of the building to get on a the call because of the panting and inability to catch your breath.
  6. the blood vessels on your chest make an intricate spider-web like pattern.
  7. you can never get enough sleep.  Who said the second trimester meant you’d be energized?!?
  8. everyone gives you advice about everything but for some reason your stubborn side is even more stubborn than usual.
  9. if your husband so much as looks at you the wrong way he will get his head chewed off.
  10. to get out of bed you have to throw your feet in the air first for a teeter-totter-like effect to help pull the rest of you out as well.
  11. the babies start making decisions for you.  Steve: “Lisa, do you need anything else while we’re at the grocery store” Lisa: “The babies want another gallon of ice cream”
  12. you take more pills than a 90 year old man.
  13. you can no longer see your vagina while standing up… but you’re pretty sure it’s still there.