2 months old

2 months old

GirlsSmilingThe girls are two months, the months, weeks and days are flying by.  It’s hard to believe I’ve been away from work for this long already.  They were in such great moods during this photo shoot that I am having the hardest time choosing which photos to share on the blog.  It was such a different experience than their brothers 3 year photo shoot that I did right before.  Speaking of their brothers, here’s their 2 month old blog post.  The girls are a good 2 pounds bigger than the boys were at their age.


  • They are wearing size 1 diapers now.  Although occasionally we put a size 2 on them.
  • Their hair is starting to come in.  Olivia’s looks like it’s a strawberry blonde and Emily’s looks a little darker.
  • We’re doing a lot of tummy time but mostly on people.  They are getting strong quickly and can hold up their heads for short periods of time.  They love to be held and be close to someone’s body heat.  It can be difficult when it’s just one person watching them when they cry because they want to be held.
  • They sleep a lot.  They are asleep for 18 or so hours a day.
  • They’re eating every 3 hours.  During the day I feed them on demand as they need it. Especially since recently they were feeling sick.  In the evenings they have been going 3 hours between feedings.  Every now and then we’ll get a 4 – 5 hour stretch but 3 hours is the norm.
  • They are easy.  Not sure if it’s because it’s our second set of twins or the fact they are girls but they seem so much easier than the boys did.  We’ve got everything down to a science.  Tandem feeding has worked out so well. …that being said… ask me again in a month when Grandma leaves us!
  • They are using pacifiers and have been since they were born.  They aren’t a huge fan of them.  They tend to spit them out in favor of their thumbs these days.
  • We never really swaddled them like we did the boys.  We’ve been putting just their legs into a loose swaddle.
  • They both got the DTAP, IPV, HIB, Prevnar-13, Rotarix vaccines at their 2 month appointment.  Two shots in the legs and one oral mist.  Poor girls!




  • Height: 22″ (26%)
  • Weight: 10 lbs 15 ozs (49%)
  • Head circumference: 15″ (50%)
  • She is so calm and easy going.  She smiles a lot and only really cries when she is hungry.
  • Emily is compassionate.  If Olivia is having a hard time Emily will cry as well just to let us all know that Olivia is upset.  They are a cute crying harmony of babies.
  • She is starting to coo a lot.  She’s a talker!




  • Height: 22″ (26%)
  • Weight: 10lbs 4 ozs (25%)
  • Head circumference: 14 1/2″ (10%)
  • Olivia hates it when she has a dirty diaper.  I have a feeling she is going to be easy to potty train.  As soon as there is anything in there at all she is screaming until one of us changes her.
  • Olivia looks a lot like my side of the family.  She even has my half grin!
  • Olivia has a shorter temper than Emily.  If she is upset about something she isn’t afraid to let us know.



We got a few videos of the girls during the photoshoot.  I need to do more videos as they seem to be my favorite way to look back over the years.


Love this one of Olivia waving…


Closer up
