One Month Old

One Month Old

I feel like I start all these posts the same… “I can’t believe the boys/girls are already x months old”.  But I really can’t.  This past month has flown by.  The girls really are getting big and I can’t imagine life without them.  It’s been fun going through having twins again.  This time feels a million times easier.  Maybe it’s because we’ve been through it before but maybe it’s just that the girls were two weeks further along so they were a little bigger than the boys were.  Either way it feels “do-able”.  The girls are excellent eaters.  They both have had no problems learning how to latch.  I remember the boys eating on me for forever… 30 to 45 minutes each feeding.  The girls are efficient, they’re only on for about 10 minutes, sometimes 15 – 20, then they’re full.  They rarely cry.  They grunt a little at night but it’s quiet little noises that we tend to blame on gas.  When they full-on-cry it’s because something is actually wrong.  Both girls LOVE to be held.  Between the three of us adults both girls are pretty much attached to someone at all times.  I’d say the girls have a similar temperament; they’re both very calm… so far.  We’ve started putting them in size 1 diapers.  During their one month appointment they got their second hepatitis B dose.


It was really tough to get a picture of the girls together.  I think my photoshoot timing was just off because there was a lot of crying.  so, I captured a video:





  • Height: 21 inches (50%)
  • Weight: 8 6/16 lbs (25%)
  • Emily is probably the best eater out of all four of the kids.  She has earned her nickname (from grandma) “Jaws”.  She is super fast to latch and typically overeats.  Which leads to more spit up than any other baby of mine.
  • Emily looks a lot like Steve.  She has his huge blue eyes and olive skin tone.  Steve has lovingly nicknamed her his little meatball.  Thanks to her incredibly eating skills her double chin is coming in nicely.  It makes me so happy to see her thrive.
  • Emily is already out of newborn sized clothes.
  • Emily, baby A, looks more like Anthony, also baby A.





  • Height: 21 inches (50%)
  • Weight: 8 lbs (25%)
  • Olivia looks more like my side of the family.  Her skin tone is lighter and a little more blotchy.  She gets really red when she gets upset.  She is long and skinny and seems to have a longer torso like me.
  • Olivia is still wearing newborn sized clothes, but barely.  She fits into 0 – 3 month old stuff and it’s slightly loose on her.
  • Similar to Emily, Olivia, baby B, looks more like Nathan, also baby B.


  • Grandma is still here and we’re trying to convince her to move in with us permanently.  Only half joking on that one.  I think Grandpa would be upset if she did.  We’ve really enjoyed having her in the house and all of her help with the kids.  I don’t know what we’d do without her. 
  • The boys are loving having little sisters.  They have been great around them, very gentle and inquisitive.  They’re always asking about their “baby sisters” and have learned their names.  When I was taking the pictures for this photoshoot Anthony came in and I had him jump into some of the pictures with Olivia.  She was already crying so she looks really red next to Anthony’s olive skin tone.
  • I’ve been pumping every morning to try to save up some milk for a trip Steve and I are taking to NYC in a couple weeks for Working Mother magazine.  I also wouldn’t mind some extra saved up for when I inevitably have to travel for work next year.
  • I’m feeling better every day.  I’d say I’m at 70%.  I can bend now without it hurting too much.  I still can’t walk for too long and my back hurts if I stand up too long.  I can’t wait to get my muscles back.  I’ve been eating like crap… way too much sugar.
  • I’ve been sleeping in the basement since we came home from the hospital.  That’s where the girls are at as well.  Steve and my mom are rotating who helps me during the night and the other one sleeps up in our bedroom and deals with the boys in the morning on the weekends and gets them ready and takes them to school on the weekdays.
  • We’ve had a few visitors so far to meet the girls: Grandma and Grandpa DeLuca, Aunt Sara (thank you Aunt Sara for the beautiful bunnies for their month to month photos!), and my friend from high school and her two girls, Mandy with Finna and Paiden.