The boys meet their sisters

The boys meet their sisters

On Friday we got to come home from the hospital.  The boys were just about to come home from school so we had everything setup.  I had read where it was good to have the older siblings get their new sibling a present and vice versa.  It was also recommended that neither the mother or the father be holding the new bab(y)ies when they meet for the first time.  So we had the girls setup in the room around us.  Emily was relaxing in the 4Moms MamaRoo and Olivia got the manual rocking chair.



When the boys came in Steve and I said hello and asked them about school and then we had the boys give the girls the presents they got them (some cute pink blankets), which the boys helped to unwrap.  Then the boys examined the girls and got their presents from their sisters.  The girls gave the boys some Ikea train tracks and magnetic cars as well as some pieces to their GoGo Smart Wheels.  The boys were so excited and it definitely felt like Christmas morning.



The boys took a pretty good nap despite all the excitement.  Probably because Steve slept up with Anthony (for 5 hours!! Daddy was exhausted too).  When Nathan woke up he came downstairs to make sure his sisters were still there and got so excited when they were.  Anthony and Nathan decided they were going to go back and forth between “their baby sisters” giving them kisses.

Nathan even found out that they both had… TOES!  Check out his excited innocence.  I LOVE this video.
