5 am

5 am

It’s been 24 hours since Steve left for his interview with the group in Baltimore.  …and I am a mess!  We woke up at 4:30 yesterday to take Steve to the airport only to find out the temp on the fridge was slowly increasing.  So we made a mad dash to move some of the freezer items to the freezer in the basement and cross our fingers that the fridge wasn’t broken.  Long story short, it’s going to be about $800 because the compressor needs to be replaced.  We already spent $250 this year fixing another part.  But, since we’re selling our house, $800 is cheaper than a new fridge.  So I had to deal with the repair man yesterday for that and I’ll have to deal with them again today, Friday, as they fix the compressor.

I woke up around 4:00 again today for my mid-sleep bladder relief 🙂 and couldn’t get back to sleep.  I heard a weird noise like someone was trying to get into our house so I was instantly wide awake.  Then I did some reading of a baby forum from other women due in December which is never a good idea (talks of miscarriages, women losing their 2nd twin, and a lady who lost her twins at 20 weeks)… so again, i’m up and stressed and paranoid.  That made me realize I forgot to take my prenatal.  So I grabbed it and some warm lemonade (no fridge) and took it.  Obviously I didn’t “squish” it, as Sara likes to call it, between food.  Which translates to taking the pill while eating.  I didn’t have anything for dinner because I was too tired to get up and make myself something so my stomach didn’t like the fact that the prenatal was sitting there… you guessed it… 10 minutes later I’m puking everything I didn’t eat into the toilet.

I MISS MY STEVE!!  He takes care of me and together all these little things don’t feel as frustrating.

…now that those 24 hours are over… I should try to get some sleep.