Slept Through the Night! …or did they?!?

Slept Through the Night! …or did they?!?

Last night Steve and I fed the boys at 6:30 then put them to bed by 7.  We decided that now that they’re 8 months old that it was time for them to sleep through the night.  We gave them their typical 9:30 pm feeding but that was it for “night” feedings.  We fixed the bed up in the basement, grabbed the monitor, and slept down there. Being so far away from them Steve didn’t wake up to their every little noise like he normally does.  He did wake up one time at 1:30 but I just went up and pacified them, I didn’t feed them.  I did wake up a few times during the night and checked them out on the monitor to make sure they were okay but 1:30 am was the only time that we went up there until 7 a.m.  They seemed their typical happy selves in the morning and enjoyed the buffet of breast-milk that was stored up.  Hopefully by the time Grandma Seacat gets here next Wednesday they’ll be really sleeping through the night.