5 months old

5 months old

The boys are 5 months old!! They have changed so much this month. Their personalities are really starting to develop and it’s so cool to see how different they are.

Favorite toy: The boys are putting everything in their mouths so they really like Sofie the giraffe and the little chick from Grandma & Grandpa DeLuca that jingles.
Solids: They’re eating some rice cereal, not a lot, probably once a day.   Today for the first time they ate it using a spoon.
Naps: They are finally taking naps in their cribs.  Grandma Seacat has taught them how to nap there and they’re doing really good.
Sleep time: They can put themselves to sleep and “self soothe”.  Anthony still has an obsession with the pacifier but if it’s no where in sight he will just suck on his thumb or entire hand.   The cutest is when they just stare at each other through the crib bars.
Zerbers!! The boys love zerbers from anyone.  It is amazing the difference a few months makes.  They used to scream when they were on the changing table and now it’s when they giggle the most.
Diapers:  The boys are wearing size 2 diapers and will wear a nighttime size 3 diaper.  We don’t change them during the night in hopes that they will sleep longer.
Brothers – Anthony and Nathan are definitely starting to notice each other.  They touch each other a lot and hold hands and look at each other and laugh.  It’s actually harder to feed them because they’ll stiff arm each other and give each other the glare.  They are competitive when it comes to eating.
Feedings have gotten a lot faster.  It typically takes around 6 to 8 minutes for them to eat. Sometimes at night it takes a little longer and they fall asleep on me.
Strong: the boys are getting so good at tummy time and are supporting their heads great.  They haven’t quite sat up on their own yet but they’re getting closer each day.  I think the way I feed them helps with their upper arm strength.
Talking:  they talk all the time.  In the mornings if we don’t go and get them right away we hear them jabbering in their cribs to each other.  In the evenings right before bed they like to tell us about their days.
Stranger Danger!  The boys have started to get upset if they’re held by people other than the select few they’re used to.  …which made nanny interviewing fun!  It was part of the test to see which of the candidates immediately handed the boys back or tried to soothe them.  The boys will start crying hysterically in someone new’s arms.  The pediatrician said that typically happens around 6 months.

The boys put EVERYTHING in their mouths.  It was tough getting photos of the boys this month without a hand or two in their mouths.  I love this one of Nathan attempting to eat both fists at once.


  • Anthony is in love… with Grandma Seacat! He has to be held by her 24/7 otherwise he’s crying.  She has lovingly nicknamed him the “squeaky wheel”.
  • He can be what we call a “frump grump” but when he smiles it lights up a room.
  • Anthony gets distracted easily.  When he’s eating he’ll stop and start looking around.  At 5 am the other night he saw Grandma in the doorway and just looked up and stared.  She had to leave to get him to continue eating.
  • This kid is going to be a heart breaker… he is gorgeous! His giant, bright blue eyes are captivating.
  • Weight: 14lbs 6 ounces


  • Nathan is very independent.  He is perfectly content sitting on his own carefully analyzing a toy.
  • So smart!  I can almost see the gears in his head churning.
  • Nathan is ALWAYS laughing.  He talks to himself and will laugh at his toys.  He is fun to be around.
  • Nathan shakes his head back and forth a lot.  We googled it and supposedly it’s a sign of hunger. That being said, he’s gained almost 2 lbs since last month.
  • Weight: 13 lbs 3 ounces
  • Nathan likes his alone time when it comes to eating.  He is very serious and doesn’t like Anthony’s hand in his face.  I might have to stop tandem feeding so that each boy gets bonding time with mom.


  • This past month Grandma and Grandpa Seacat have been here helping out.  Which has been really nice on our marriage.  A rested Steve means a happy marriage.  Plus the boys are sleeping a little better through the night, they are going every 3 – 4 hours.  Anthony tends to be the first to wake up each time.
  • The boys are still being breastfed with the exception of the occasional rice cereal mixed with breast milk.  I look forward to these welcomed interruptions throughout the day.
  • We are still without a kitchen.  We started the kitchen remodel in January and still are living on a microwave and a gas grill.  I’m hoping the kitchen is finalized soon so we can wash dishes for the boys once they really start solids.
  • I wanted to get pictures of me with each boy this month. When looking at baby pictures of Steve and me it’s almost more interesting to see how “young” our parents look.  So here’s me and the boys:

  • I knew that I’d love my children… but I never expected it to be so strong… the power of a mother’s love is incredible! I have this unmistakable instinct to protect my boys both from emotional and physical pain.  Steve and I are in agreement that having children makes us love and appreciate our parents so much more.  We love you grandparents!!