3 months old

3 months old

Wow!  I can’t believe our little boys are three months old already.  This past month they have really grown a lot and are becoming so much more fun.  They both have huge smiles in the mornings and love to look us in the eyes and laugh.  It’s mostly a single sound, not a full blown giggle.  They still aren’t sleeping through the night, not even close.  They typically go about 3 hours, sometimes 4 if we’re lucky. Tummies… they both are getting so strong.  Nathan can go longer without screaming, Anthony usually cries about a minute into tummy time. They both are to the point where they can lift their heads from their elbows.  Having twins it’s hard not to compare their development but we need to keep in mind that they’re not identical.  The boys still haven’t really noticed each other.  There was one time when it seemed like Nathan was laughing at Anthony… but it didn’t last long.  We decided to push their cribs together in their room, it leaves a lot more open space to walk around the small room.  They are still wearing size 1 diapers.  Steve and I have been on our own for a week now but most of the last month Grandma and Grandpa Seacat were here to help.  The boys definitely recognize familiar faces and voices and follow people around the room.  They both rely on the pacifier a lot less and will self-sooth by putting a hand in their mouth.  The boys typically have been going to bed around 7 pm.  Ideally we’d like to push it out to around 9 pm but they are setting the time, not us.  Around 5:30 pm daily we experience what Aunt Katie calls the “Witching Hour”.  They cry loudly because they’re so tired and it’s just easier to put them in bed then to force them to say awake.  We’ll try to push out bedtime once they’re a little older.


  • Nathan is growing fast, he weighed 9lbs 12 ounces at the 3 month weight check.
  • Height: 21 5/8 inches
  • Head circumference: 38.5 cm
  • Such a talker, he has mastered “Oooo” and “Ahhhh”.  If we say a vowel sound he will try to repeat what we say.  He furors his eyebrows and listens intently when we talk.  He is soaking up everything around him.
  • His hair is coming in (same thing we said last month), but surprisingly it’s a dark auburn shade.  I was expecting it to be more blonde.  It’s looking like the boys will have the same hair color.
  • Nathan is starting to fill out in his face again like he looked when he was born, his cheeks are getting chunkier and his “Seacat” double chin is coming in nicely. He has the cutest dimples.
  • Nathan is still pooping almost every diaper change.  He is so funny when he poops, he squeezes his hands into tight fists and grunts.  It looks painful, poor guy.


  • Anthony is still the bigger of the two, 10 lbs 9 ounces.
  • Height: 22 1/8  inches
  • Head circumference: 38.5 cm
  • Anthony uses his hands so much, if he doesn’t have a pacifier in his mouth he is stuffing one or both of his hands in his mouth.
  • Speaking of hands, Anthony ALWAYS puts his hand in Nathan’s face when they tandem feed.  It doesn’t matter if he’s on the left or the right.  I’m not sure if he’s just more comfortable that way or if he’s saying “both of these boobs are mine!”
  • Anthony’s hair is out of control.  I tried combing it for this photo shoot with a soft toothbrush but it wanted nothing to do with calming down.
  • Anthony just started talking and smiling a lot this past week.  Nathan had been talking for about a week and a half longer so I was getting a little worried about Anthony.  Then he busted out his huge grin and told me not to worry.
  • Poops… Anthony is only pooping once a day or every other day.  But when he poops it’s gigantic and stinky. 


  • Steve and I are starting to get to know the boys much better and can interpret each of their little cries.  Finding the culprit during a crying fit has gotten much easier.
  • I am going back to work next week, eek!  I’m dreading not getting to spend every moment I have with these guys.  The good news is Steve doesn’t have to  start work until March so he’ll get to be a stay at home dad for a few weeks.
  • We have started doing tandem feedings for almost every feeding.  Which means we’re waking up babies in the night.  Whoever wakes up first gets changed and then the second baby also gets changed and they both eat together.  It makes it better on us.  I’m sure Anthony could make it longer during the nights but even if he only goes another hour that means we have to wake up every hour to two hours.  So they are on the same schedule.  We read that the magic weight is 11 pounds so we’re anxiously waiting for Nathan to get there.
  • I’m doing good, still don’t have my ab muscles back but every day I feel a little stronger.  I had to have surgery yesterday to remove some abnormal cells on my leg.  My blood pressure was a lot better than when I was preeclamptic…. 107 over 65.