Case of the Giggles

Case of the Giggles

Anthony has had a rough week.  On Monday the boys had to get vaccines at the pediatrician office for their 6 month checkup.  All day Monday and Tuesday Anthony was in a lot of pain, especially around his thigh.  He was whimpering and needed extra snuggles.  Then on Wednesday he seemed back to his normal self except when it was time for bed.  For the past three nights he’s been inconsolable when it comes to bedtime.  He wales regardless of whether or not we’re holding him.  Steve thought it’d be a good time to take him to the doctor today to see if maybe he had an ear infection.  The doctor was not our normaly doctor, his name was Dr. Sherlock and he was hilarious.  He examined Anthony and when he was touching his belly Anthony started laughing.  He said he was going to write in his chart that he was ticklish and his parents were concerned.  Then when we were leaving he said, “Well, looks like it was just a case of the giggles.”

…maybe we’re over protective new parents.  🙂